The Organizing Committee of the 2009 Women in Astronomy conference has published the proceedings from the year's Women in Astronomy and Space Science Conference III, titled "Women in Astronomy and Space Science 2009."Learn more...
The Astro2010 Committee has released the new Decadal report.
Please visit "Special Events" to learn more.
The International Year of Astronomy has ended, but activities still continue around the world. To learn more, visit:
- Detecting the atmosphere of a planet outside our solar system
- Completing the first detailed full-sky map of the oldest light in the universe
- Finding that dark energy is accelerating the expansion of the universe
We will investigate the interaction of matter and energy that govern the universe, and come to understand how the universe relentlessly expands: even while gravity pulls pockets of its dark matter and other constituents together, the energy of collapse and resulting nucleosynthesis later flinging them apart once again.
In years to come, we will determine the properties of dark energy -- whose presence is inferred by astronomers but has not been seen directly. Probes will detect the imprints left by quantum effects and gravitational waves at the beginning of the Big Bang; later, we could detect these phenomena directly. We will count how many black holes populate our local universe, and one day actually take a picture of the area near the edge of a black hole.
We will peer one-by-one at hundreds of our nearest neighbor stars and inventory their planets, searching for solar systems resembling our own. More ambitious telescopes could study such worlds in greater detail, gathering enough light to find the signatures of life in the atmospheres of planets. We cannot yet know whether the worlds we seek are common or exceedingly rare, so our journey may eventually involve great flotillas of large telescopes that can extend our search to thousands or tens of thousands of stars.
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